Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Jewish Mirror. By Rabbi Isaac Lichtenstein

A Jewish Mirror. By Rabbi Isaac Lichtenstein

"Ye shall make Me a Sanctuary, that I may dwell among you" (Ex.25:8)

A Jewish schismatic once asked a reverend and learned Rabbi, "Who was it, that according to promise, should appear and dwell in the mean space of the Tabernacle of the congregation? The Great, High and Mighty G-d whom heaven and earth cannot contain, how could He enthrone Himself above the cherubim within this narrow tent? " But the reverend Rabbi returned answer. "Bring hither a mirror, however small, and look therein, thou will see they whole form therein, although thou art thyself considerably bigger than the mirror." Just so it is with the Divine appearance in the Tabernacle. A crystal mirror of the Divine Greatness, and Power, and Victory, full of Beauty and Glory, is Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMoshiach. He is the true Sanctuary, the Tabernacle where the Majesty of G-d is enthroned.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." - (John.1:14)